

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Rainbows Connect Family After Tragedy

I don't even want to think about what I can't even imagine, but Lisa and Eric Adsit don't have a choice. May 4 marks the fifth anniversary of the death of their daughter, Kayla Marie Adsit, who was killed in an automobile accident just three weeks prior to what would've been her high school graduation day. Click on the link below to hear what I wrote about this pair of brave, beautiful role models in the April 26, 2012 issue of The Coloradoan newspaper:

Kayla Adsit 4-12.mp3

 While I hope I never understand the depths of Eric's and Lisa's sorrow and loneliness, I know courage and compassion when I see it. I also know I will never again look at another rainbow without seeing Kayla's bright smile. Thank you, too, for your time and caring.