

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

For the love of cats

I used to consider myself a dog person, but that was before I befriended two kitties 11 years ago. I realize now that I am a dog and cat person...why choose either/or, afterall, when both are the best? 'Course there are those among us who feel they must "own" every animal they see. Click below and you'll hear what I mean:

Christmas Cats 12-10 at MySpaceFileHosting.comChristmas_Cats_12-10.mp3

Thank you for your continued readership and Merry, Merry, Merry Christmas!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Thankful for Community

It sounds cliche, I suppose, but having an "attitude of gratitude" about where you live is key to happiness. Really, don't we all just want to belong somewhere? To be a part of something? To have a place we call home? For me and mine, that's Waverly, CO in a nutshell - even if you have to be somewhat nutty to live this far apart from it all. If you've got a moment, click on the following to hear s'more:

Thanksgiving 11-10 at MySpaceFileHosting.comThanksgiving_11-10.mp3

I'm grateful, too, to you for kindly stopping in! Y'all come back now, y'hear?

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Election time is scary

And it just keeps on getting creepier as candidates' messages continue to hit sinister lows. My word, is Armaggedon nigh?

Here's my take on Election 2010 in the following 3:39 audio clip, based on my October 20 "Coloradoan" newspaper piece:

Election Scary 10-2010 at MySpaceFileHosting.comElection_Scary_10-2010.mp3

What I know for sure: the America you and I believe in - the one in which we can and do influence every day - will be okay regardless of how things go November 2.

Thanks for keeping the faith, my fellow Americans!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Airline ad subsidy doesn't fly

"The bad news is time flies. The good news is you're the pilot."

I love that quote from motivational speaker and author Michael Althsuler. I don't love how time continues to have its way with me, even if I am the one at the controls.

To hear another thing I'm not at all fond of, give me 3:24, and click below:

Allegiant Ad 09-10.mp3

This self-employed freelance writer and voiceover artist sure could use a jump-start right about now, Funk Soul Brother!

Thanks for the fly-by!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Sign, Sign, Everywhere a Sign

The thing I fear most in this world actually happened to the Hudgens family of Pueblo when on July 10, a driver blacked out due to an acute medical condition, crashed into Visionworks at Greeley Mall, and killed their oldest daughter.

Jenn Hudgens was three weeks away from becoming a student teacher.

How does a mother bear the loss of a beloved child? That Cheryl and Jenn talked daily makes her sudden, violent death even more difficult to accept, let alone understand. And on the link below to hear Cheryl's brave and beautiful message:

Jenn Hudgens 08-10.mp3

Coincidence? I, like Cheryl, once upon a time would have said so, but since my father died in February, I, again like Cheryl, am becoming a believer that anything is possible...even communication with beloved ones who've died. Are there other stories "out there" like the Hudgens' just waiting to be told?

Would love to hear yours. Email me at and let's "talk."

Oh, and thanks for listening!

Monday, July 26, 2010

The scoop on oil and ice cream

An unlikely pairing, perhaps, but if you've got three-and-a-half minutes or so to spare, listen to what I wrote on the subjects in the July 28 "Coloradoan."

Oily Ethics 07-10.mp3

Hope that didn't make you sick to your stomach! I for one am committed to reducing my dependence on oil, but have no intention of doing the same with ice cream!

Thanks for checking in!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Sorry not so hard to say

Or is it?

Here's what I wanted to say about two local Tims as seen in the June 23 "Fort Collins Coloradoan," if you've got a moment:

Sorry 6-10 at MySpaceFileHosting.comSorry_6-10_.mp3

Tying Tim Masters and Tim Wormus together may seem wrong, but their brave examples are certainly right on.

My deepest sympathies to all those affected by the meningitis outbreak. The Fort Collins community is shocked and saddened by your suffering. Such a baffling bacteria! Its strikes seems so random, so unfair.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Graduating from being "done" to just being

Ah, if only I got a dollar everytime I've been asked if I'm ready to be an empty nester. I could buy myself a "Colorado State University Mom" shirt! Since Erin's going to be living at home while she goes to CSU, I guess we've managed to delay thinking about the inevitable a wee bit longer. Besides, I'm still too busy sweeping up twigs and broken egg shells from Erin's graduation party May 22. I did have time to record my May 26 "Coloradoan" column on the subject, though, if you've got 3.5 minutes.

Graduation 5-2010 at MySpaceFileHosting.comGraduation_5-2010.mp3

With Molly over at UNC in Greeley and our standing Wednesday lunch dates, I feel like the luckiest mom in the Poudre School District flock to have both my chicks so close to home. Here's to all the birdies who use their strong wings to likewise carry themselves home.

Thanks for listening to me flap!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

No such thing as "normal," anyway

The Coloradoan did a bang-up job covering the aftershocks the economic collapse has had on the area. If you've got a minute - or three - listen to my song and dance about "the new normal," as I wrote in my April 28, 2010 community column:

The New Normal 4-2010 at MySpaceFileHosting.comThe_New_Normal_4-2010.mp3

While "loss" is difficult, we sure can't allow a return to "business as usual" now, can we?

If you listened to the above, you know how much I value your time...Thanks a bunch!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Making Sense of the Census

Ah, yes, it's that time of the decade again! Take 3:23 and hear what I wrote about everyone's favorite decennial exercise in the March 24th "Coloradoan" by clicking below:

Census 3-10.mp3

I appreciate your time and effort in standing up to be counted. Now sit down and relax, won't you?

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Life goes on...

Losing someone you love is never easy but as one of the Hospice nurses told us, "It's special when it's Dad and his girls." Click on the following link to hear about my father Robert Rader's passing as written in the February 24th "Coloradoan."

February 2010 .mp3

Long live "Good King Robert," as his two granddaughters dubbed him years ago. I love you forever, Dad.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Lame ducks no longer dead ducks

Politics schmolitics! I agree in my January 27th Coloradoan newspaper column with outgoing CO governor Bill Ritter: family should indeed come first. To hear all about it, click here:

Lame Duck 1-10.mp3

Thanks for not, ahem, ducking the important issue of election reform.