

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

The Silver Tsunami is upon us

If you've got wavy grays and you know who Wavy Gravy is, you're probably part of the the coming gray wave of aging Baby Boomers, a.k.a. "The Silver Tsunami." Fort Collins is such a popular destination for "transitioning," there's a series of public discussions devoted to how to best batten down the hatches. Here's what I wrote about it, now that we're halfway through, as featured in the Mar. 22, 2012 "Coloradoan" - 3:33 worth!

Silver Tsunami 3-12.mp3

Watch for more information on the last two sessions, the first of which is set for Tuesday, Apr. 17. Thanks to Chick-Fil-A for the great box lunches last time, and for being such a strong supporter of our community. And, Dear Reader, thank you for going out of your way to do the same.