

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Timing and Circumstances of Ice-related Deaths is Super Amazing

Football teams aren't really supposed to win - or lose - like the Pats and the Seahawks did on Feb. 1, 2015. That's the kind of unbelievable scripted stuff you see in the movies, right? Likewise, people in real life who fall on the ice aren't supposed to die of their injuries. But they do. Giants owner Ann Mara did. So did my friend John Hancock. Click on the link below to hear what I wrote about the subject for my monthly column in The Fort Collins Coloradoan published on Feb. 26, 2015:

Karen Hancock noted that her husband's death at 5:55 p.m. on Jan. 11, 2015 would have held great significance for John, who studied numerology, among so many other things. I did a little research myself and discovered the number 11 is the first of the Master Numbers, those that cannot be reduced down to a single digit. It represents illumination, transformation.

The number five is often associated with change and new beginnings. And with freedom.

I can hear this beloved champion of truth now: "Out with the old, in with the true!"

A celebration of John Hancock's life is scheduled for Sunday, June 21 at Lake Loveland.